Term 1
What is our Journey?
To get through the hardest journey, we need only take one step at a time but we must keep stepping - Chinese Proverb
Accomplishments will prove to be a journey, not a destination - Dwight D Eisenhower
Our first term of the 2021/22 academic year was spent reflecting on the journeys we have been on over the last year or so, and looking forward to the journeys we will take.
This term we focused on getting to know each other! The children explored their new indoor and outdoor spaces, they made new friends and got to know the adults who look after them. The adults played and chatted to the children, getting to know them all, what they like to do and how they learn.
We began by learning all our new routines with a particular focus on good hand hygiene and 'catch it, bin it, kill it' for coughs and sneezes! Our school value focused on courage and we were encouraging resilience and independence right from the start! All our children showed that they can be a 'tough tortoise' and have settled so well enjoying all their new experience and challenges. The children loved meeting a real tortoise and learnt how to care for one as a pet. They read the story the Hare and the Tortoise which they recreated in their play and recorded key facts they had learnt about tortoises.
KS1 used their observational skills to create maps, plans and link different places in Geography. We read the story ‘The Suitcase’ by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros and ‘Poems to Perform’ by Julia Donaldson and used these stories to reflect on our own journeys.
We also recognised key features of Judaism, learnt how to use digital images, draw and label parts of the human body and how to use line, shape and colour in a self-portrait.
LKS2 used ‘Leon and the Place Between’ and ‘The Journey’ to help guide our Learning Journey this term. It was used to help inspire a narrative, a descriptive setting and a diary entry. These texts lead us into investigating settlements and land use in the UK; observing the world around us.
In addition, we learnt more about the French map, locating key human and physical features. Georgie O’Keefe inspired us to produce our own self-portraits in art, focussing in on line, tone and texture.
UKS2 were lucky enough to go on a cultural visit to Glyndebourne this term to watch the opera ‘Don Pasquale’. We also covered digital music creation, leading to perform pieces using chords.
Our book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ lead our Learning Journey and helped us reflect on our own spiritual and physical journeys. We investigated the human circulatory system and life cycles in different species of animals and plants.
We used different skills around line and form to create self-portraits, used Book Creator to develop a set of digital instructions and wrote amazing black-out poems using our rich text.