Computing Vision at RPNS
“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.”
Stephen Hawking
Curriculum Overview

Computing Strands
Progression of Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary

Online Safety
Progression of Knowledge and Skills
Curriculum Drivers
This is how the curriculum drivers are delivered:
Education for a Connected World

The Education for a Connected World framework describes the Digital knowledge and skills that children and young people should have the opportunity to develop at different ages and stages of their lives. It highlights what a child should know in terms of current online technology, its influence on behaviour and development, and what skills they need to be able to navigate it.
The document supports one of the key aims of the government’s Internet Safety Strategy of supporting children to stay safe and make a positive contribution online, as well enabling teachers to develop effective strategies for understanding and handling online risks.
Work Samples
Upper KS2
How do computers impacts our lives?
Skills and Knowledge covered:
Skills and Knowledge:
Information Technology
Work independently to create a presentation that includes graphics, and images.
Make a presentation to an audience using digital tools.
Computer Science
Describe the impact of technology on society.
Understand about e-commerce – what it is and its impact.
Investigate the services offered by the internet.
Understand about different types of robotics and how they can impact our lives.
Understand about the advancements in technology and the impact this has had on society.
Digital Literacy
Understand that there are many positives and negatives to using social media.
Describe ways that information about people online can be used by others to make judgments about an individual.
Describe some simple ways that help build a positive online reputation.
Define the terms ‘influence’, ‘manipulation’ and ‘persuasion’ and explain how these might be encountered online (e.g. advertising and ‘ad targeting’).
Lower KS2
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Year 2
Knowledge and Skills covered:
Information Technology
Combine images, text and voice recordings to retell a story.
Combine images and edit text to create posters and invitations.
Use digital drawing tools to draw characters from a story or for a game.
Type words correctly using a keyboard.
Create a simple animation with moving characters and voice recordings.
Digital Literacy
• Describe why other people’s work belongs to them and recognise that content on the internet may belong to other people.