Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our Ethos and Approach at Ringmer Primary and Nursery School
At Ringmer Primary and Nursery School we are passionate about inclusion. We believe every child should experience success and achieve, and we support them to do so. Our teaching and support staff have regular training to ensure their skills are up to date, which enables them to support a wide range of needs in the classroom through quality first teaching. To read more about what this looks like in our school, please read our SEND Information Report at the bottom of this page. You may well find this answers any queries you have.
Our SEND policy is reviewed annually. You can find the latest version at the bottom of this page.
You can contact the school on the following email address: SEND@ringmerprimary.school
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing information can be found on its own separate page, please do take a look for information about areas such as anxiety, low mood or emotional understanding.
"(We) appreciate teachers’ friendly, firm approach and their willingness to take time to explain things to anyone who is unclear about their learning."
SEN pupil quote
SEND information report
This report outlines what we can offer pupils with SEND (Special educational needs and disabilities) at Ringmer Primary and Nursery School. This has been written in collaboration with teachers, parents and Governors.
SEN pupil quote
SEND Policy
Below is Ringmer Primary and Nursery school's SEND policy.

Accessibility Policy
Below is Ringmer Primary and Nursery school's Accessibility policy.
SEN pupil quote
East Sussex SEND prospectus
This is the local prospectus for SEND pupils from 0 - 25 years, in mainstream, special schools, academies further education colleges and early years providers.
SEND parent quote
East Sussex SEND matrix
Guidance to accompany the East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Special Educational Needs Matrix. Mainstream schools Matrix The ESCC SEN Matrix is an East Sussex County Council framework drawn up by the Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ISEND) Services in collaboration with staff working in educational settings across the County, Children’s Integrated Therapy Services (CITS) and parents and carers. It is designed to:
• Provide a shared understanding for schools, the Local Authority, parents/carers, and services such as Health and Social Care, about how to identify the Special Educational Needs of children and young people 1
• Provide guidance on provision and resources recommended to meet these needs, and to facilitate educational progression
• Support development of knowledge and understanding about SEND
• Contribute to the development of good SEN and inclusive practice (‘build capacity’)
• Provide a framework from which the Local Authority and its moderation partners will make consistent decisions about funding levels for children to facilitate their educational progression
‘Local Authorities may develop criteria as guidelines to help them decide when it is necessary to carry out a Needs Assessment (and following assessment whether it is necessary to issue an EHC Plan).’ Code of Practice 2015, 9.16. This Matrix constitutes those criteria. The Matrix is available in digital format on the ESCC website, and through links on the Local Offer pages. It can be printed and is easily personalised. It should be read in conjunction with other ISEND publications including the East Sussex Quality Mark for Inclusion which supports educational settings in developing inclusive practice
" We have resources, working walls and learning packs they all help us to learn"
SEN pupil quote
The East Sussex Digital SEN Matrix
This is a framework drawn up by the Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ISEND) Service in collaboration with staff working in educational settings across the county, Children’s Integrated Therapy Services (CITS) and parents and carers.
It is designed to:
• Provide a shared understanding for schools, the Local Authority, parents/carers, and services such as Health and Social Care, about how to identify the Special Educational Needs of children and young people
• Provide guidance on provision and resources recommended to meet these needs, and to facilitate educational progression
• Support development of knowledge and understanding about SEN
• Contribute to the development of good SEN and inclusive practice (‘build capacity’)
• Provide a framework from which the Local Authority and its moderation partners will make consistent decisions about funding levels for children to facilitate their educational progression.
The East Sussex Local Offer
This outlines what is on offer to SEND pupils in East Sussex.
The East Sussex Parent / Carer Forum
They offer advice, experise and support to parents of SEND pupils.
They offer advice, support and expertise to parents of SEND pupils.
Family Support Workers
Open for Parents
Offer advice, online courses and behavioural support for chidlren including those with SEND
The British Dyslexia Association
The Dyslexia Association
A list of dyslexia friendly books
A guide for dyslexic readers
Speech and Language difficulties
CLASS+ works across East Sussex to support families/carers of young people with ASD. Our aim is to provide guidance and training that enables families/carers to build their understanding of the strengths and challenges faced by children and young people with Autism and so to develop greater confidence in how to support them. The team is part of the CLASS service.
What do we offer?
Weekly advice line
Coffee mornings – support groups and schools
Training for parents
Short pieces of home based support (for school aged children)
Please to contact CLASS@eastsussex.gov.uk, message us on our Facebook page or call 01273 336887 for more information.
We are a Lewes-based autism community group. We run support groups, workshops, events and campaigns. iContact provides a platform from which we can make change happen
National Autistic Society
Please see the attachments at the bottom of this page
What can I do at home to help my child?
The most important skills to work on at home are
If your child is reluctant to read to you, read to them and let them simply enjoy the story with you. Consider audio books, and other media such as magazines, or sports reports online.
times tables
maths facts
For all of the above, little and often works best. Consider the best time to practise these, when they aren't tired or hungry. Try to make it as fun as possible, so they are relaxed and enjoy it. You could play I spy letter using letter sounds, have words on post it notes, with words on, hidden around the house or garden for them to find and try to spell, times tables can be made into songs or raps.
Here are some websites which are also useful for fun learning games.
https://www.lexiacore5.com/register If your child is using this in school they are also able to access it at home.
https://app.mangahigh.com/en-gb/login Every child in the school has a log in for this, and there are games and activities available on here for them to practise their basic skills and maths facts.
https://www.senteacher.org/ This website has some interactive games and resources for each school year group.
Resources and strategies to support Sensory Needs

Siblings of children with special education needs and disabilities
This website offers resources and support to siblings of those with SEND.