Sea Lions
Meet the Sea Lions Team
Miss Lowther
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Jackson
PPA Cover
Mrs Sparrow
PE Days
Monday and Friday afternoon.
Please make sure your child has the following items for each PE session:
a yellow t-shirt
black shorts and black jogging bottoms or leggings
a jumper
plimsolls or non marking trainers
Woodland Afternoon
Year 4 Woodland Day: Friday 11th October
Please ensure your child wears appropriate clothing for the setting and the weather.
If it is raining, please ensure your child brings wellies into a plastic bag to change into after lunch.
What does provision look like for those with additional needs in Sea Lions class?
Outlined in the document below are the waves of provision we use to support children with additional needs. Support is tailored to each individual and provided as needed, with or without a diagnosis. Please talk to your child's class teacher if you have any concerns about your child, their needs or the provision in class. You can find further information on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page on our website. This is where you will find our vision for SEND pupils, and our SEND information report which outlines what we as a school can offer.
Pupil planners need to be brought into school every day. Planners will be checked weekly by a class adult.
We will visit the library weekly.
PE days are Monday (outside) and Friday (inside).
Term 1: Whose world is it anyway?
Through our rich texts, we will explore our key themes: Care/Stewardship/Sustainability/Faith.
Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird
Finn has always been different, and in the tiny fishing village of Stromhead he sticks out like a sore thumb. Always told to keep away from the water, he's felt that something was missing until one day he dives in and finds that, swimming with the dolphins, he feels completely at home.
Curriculum Overview
Term 1 Science
Term 1 Computing
Homework is set every Friday on Google Classroom and will be due in the following Thursday. The homework folder can be found under the 'Classwork' tab.
Reading - please record what you have read and how often you have read in your planner. We encourage children to read at least five times a week either independently (aloud or in their head) or aloud with an adult.
Activities - there will be spellings to learn and times tables to practise.
Mangahigh - Children to login and complete the Manga High task set by your teacher. They should aim to complete the task three times.
Nessy - if your child has a Nessy account, please ensure they are accessing this regularly at home.
Please do let the class teacher know if you require your login details.
We ask that you send in a photo of the work instead of a paper copy to reduce the number of items coming into school.
Supporting your child at home