Starfish & Angel fish


Meet the Reception Team

Key information

Fridays - Woodland Session 

Children wear old clothes to school (arms and legs covered).  Please provide waterproof coat, trousers and wellies if the weather is wet.

Tuesday - PE

Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school in a named PE bag.  Yellow T shirt, black shorts and trainers/plimsolls.  Jumpers and tracksuit bottoms/leggings in colder weather.  The PE bag can stay on your child's peg and will get sent home at the end of term to be washed.   

Please name water bottles, lunch boxes and all items of clothing.

Ethos and Vision for our children

Our children are at the heart of everything that we do and we build our curriculum around their needs and interests.  We observe, assess, teach and review impact through 'In the moment planning' using play as the vehicle for learning.  Our children free flow through out the day between engaging and purposefully organised inside and outside environments.  Early reading, writing, phonics and maths skills are taught in short directed teaching inputs, the children then apply these skills independently in our enabling environment.   The children's interests drive the themes for our learning journey enquiry question as well as seasonal changes and celebrations.  We aim to capture the awe and wonder of childhood making every moment memorable so our children learn deeply and can apply their skills in different contexts.   We build a strong home school partnership to ensure our children feel secure and blended learning is consistent and playful. 

To find out more about our EYFS ethos and vision please refer to our EYFS policy. 

What does provision look like for those with additional needs in Starfish and Angelfish class?

Outlined in the document below are the waves of provision we use to support children with additional needs.   Support is tailored to each individual and provided as needed, with or without a diagnosis. Please talk to your child's class teacher if you have any concerns about your child, their needs or the provision in class.  You can find further information on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page on our website.  This is where you will find our vision for SEND pupils, and our SEND information report which outlines what we as a school can offer.

Website provision map EYFS KS1 (3) (1).docx

Speech and Language support - how can you help your child?

Communication is a key building block for all children to thrive in every aspect of their life.  Your support at home with this is not only much appreciated, but also an essential element of their development.  For tips and ideas about how you can do this, have a look at the Speech and Language Link parent Portal:

Home school partnership

How will I know what my child will be learning in school and how can I support this at home?


Reception Timetable.docx

PE curriculum map


Meet the Teacher Information

Meet the Teacher Starfish & Angelfish.pptx

Term 1 2024

Our key texts are:

Learning Journey Enquiry Question - Whose World is it Anyway? 

The first part of this term we focus on getting to know each other! The children explore their new indoor and outdoor spaces, they make new friends and get to know the adults who look after them. The adults play and chat to the children, getting to know them all, what they like to do and how they learn.

We begin by learning all our new routines with a particular focus on listening skills and Carpet time expectations.

Our school value focus this term is courage and we have been encouraging resilience and independence right from the start!  All our children are showing that they can be a 'tough tortoise' and have settled so well enjoying all their new experience and challenges.    Look out for a small tortoise coming home as a special reminder that your child can face new challenges with a smile, secure in the knowledge that we are here to help support them along the way! 

Our topic this term is ‘Whose world is it anyway?’ We will be exploring this question through the theme of farms, journeys and autumn with our key texts: The Hare and the Tortoise, Handa's Surprise and Little Red Hen. We will learn about different food and where they grow and learn how food is harvested at harvest time. The children’s interests will also be used as a vehicle for learning. This term they have shown an interest in:

Year R Knowledge Organiser Letter1.docx

What is a Knowledge Organiser?

Term 1 Reception Knowledge Organiser Whose world is it anyway_.pdf

Term 1 Knowledge Organiser

Term 5 2023-24

Our key texts are:

Learning Journey Enquiry Question - What goes around comes around?

Our topic this term is 'What goes around comes around?'. We will be exploring this question by thinking about the lifecycles of minibeasts. 

We will continue our learning about growing this term, with a particular focus on animals and minibeasts. We will compare and contrast how different minibeasts grow and develop.

Reception Term 5 Knowledge Organiser .pdf

Term 4 2023-24

Term 3 2023-24

Our key texts are:

Learning Journey Enquiry Question - Does where you are determine who you are? 

Our topic this term is 'Does where you are determine who you are?'. We will be exploring this question by thinking about our school values and how these impact on how we treat others and what we consider to be important. 

We will continue our learning about celebrations this term, with a particular focus on New Year celebrations. We will compare and contrast how different communities welcome in the New Year by learning about Lunar New Year celebrations. 

Our learning will be guided by key texts. These will help us to explore what life is like depending on where you live in the world. They will also equip us with skills of retelling, sequencing and debating. 

We will continue our school value focus of respect this term, respecting different people’s ideas about celebrations and respecting different ways of life. We will become 'Exploring elephants' as we learn about penguins and investigate locations like Antarctica and China. We will also explore features of our local environment, considering what is natural and man-made and what is similar and different to the other places in the world we are exploring this term. Being ‘Exploring elephants’ will also give us the opportunity to explore and respect the hobbies, likes and dislikes of our friends. 

Term 3 Knowledge Organiser

Reception Term 3 Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Term 2 2023

Our key texts are:

The Twinkly Nativity

Here is a link to the songs to our nativity to practise at home:

Song 1 - 

Song 2 - 

Song 3 - 

Learning Journey Enquiry Question - To improve is to change?

Our topic this term is 'To improve is to change?' We will be exploring a range of celebrations, such as:

We will use a range of key texts and poetry to support our learning. We will discuss and share our own experiences of these celebrations and recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate in different ways.

Our school value focus this term is respect and we will become 'Listening Lions' and 'Sharing sharks'. Encouraging each other to demonstrate good listening when learning and playing with other children and adults, continuing to build relationships. We will think carefully about sharing the resources in school and how to resolve problems that arise in our environment.

Term 2 Knowledge Organiser

Term 2 Reception Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Instagram pages:

