Meet the Orcas Team
Class Teacher
Miss M Bray
Teaching Assistants
Mrs A Duc (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs B Du Plessis (Wednesday - Friday)
Term 1 Dates
Inset days - Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September
First day of term (stunning start and woodland) - Wednesday 4th September
UKS2 meet the teacher/s - Wednesday 18th September @4:30pm, Orcas classroom
Swimming - every Thursday from 12/9/24 to 21/11/24 (excluding October half term)
Class Information
PE Days
Wednesday afternoon - outdoors
Thursday morning - swimming
Please make sure your child has the following items for each PE session:
A yellow t-shirt
Black shorts and black jogging bottoms or leggings
A jumper
Plimsolls or non marking trainers
For swimming:
Please bring your child in to school with their swimming costume under their school uniform
Children need to be in full uniform when they arrive at school - swimming shorts must not replace school trousers.
UKS2 Equipment
To support children in developing responsibility, and to prepare them for transition to secondary school, all UKS2 children will require a small pencil case containing:
• A black handwriting pen (not a biro)
• A pencil
• A rubber
• A sharpener
• A glue stick (optional)
Children are not required to have their own rulers, colouring pencils or pens.
The school will provide this equipment for children in receipt of Pupil Premium.
Thank you for supporting us and your children with this.
Knowledge Organisers and Curriculum Overview
Whose world is it anyway?
Term 1: Whose world is it anyway?
Weekly timetable
For year 5 this year homework will be set on a Friday via Google classrooms (paper copies can be given if preferred) and will be due on the Thursday the following week. The homework will include:
Rehearsing the weekly spellings
Reading 5x per week
Optional fortnightly topic homework
Home support
Reading / Reading comprehension:
20 minutes, 5 times a week
30 minutes, once a week
Set Mondays, daily practice
Optional 30 minutes, every other week
What does provision look like for those with additional needs in Orcas class?
Outlined in the document below are the waves of provision we use to support children with additional needs. Support is tailored to each individual and provided as needed, with or without a diagnosis. Please talk to your child's class teacher if you have any concerns about your child, their needs or the provision in class. You can find further information on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page on our website. This is where you will find our vision for SEND pupils, and our SEND information report which outlines what we as a school can offer.
English / Reading comprehension / Reading: The children are supported with STEM sentence, shared writes, key word maps, focus words each week, group work, CLIKR, 1:1 reading sessions, daily reading, reading materials to follow during shared class reading sessions, Lexia and focused 1:1 / group same and next day interventions.
Maths: The children are supported through the use of scaffolding, Mangahigh, group work and use of resources. The resources allow the children to understand the lessons through focused concrete learning where they are supported in 1:1 and group same and next day interventions to progress onto pictorial and abstract learning.
Curriculum: The children are supported during curriculum lessons through the use of STEM sentences, verbal discussions to support understanding and group work.
Useful website links
Lexia: https://www.lexiacore5.com/
Mangahigh: https://www.mangahigh.com/en-gb/
BBC bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn
Topmarks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
Phonics play: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Times tables: https://mathsframe.co.uk/
Nessy: https://www.nessy.com/en-us