Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

Common Acronyms and Abbreviations

As much as we try not to use acronyms or abbreviatons in our documents and letters to parents/carers, they can sometimes creep in.

We are also conscious that documents from the Department for Education and Ofsted often contain shortened versions of words and phrases which are common within education, but you may not come across outside of the sector.

To address this and help readers to understand these documents, you will find a list of common acronyms and abbreviations below:

ANP Additional Needs Plan

AfL Assessment for Learning

AR Accelerated Reader

BV British Values

CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service

CL Communication & Language (Early Years)

CPD Continuing Professional Development

DT Design and Technology

DBS Disclosure and Barring Service ( Formerly CRB check)

DHT Deputy Head Teacher

DSL Designated Safeguarding Lead

EAL English as an Additional Language

EHCP Education Health Care Plan

EP Educational Psychologist

EYEH Early Years Excellence Hub

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

FGB Full Governing Body

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GPS/SPAG Grammar Punctuation and Spelling

H&S Health & Safety

HT Headteacher

INA Individual Needs Assistant

INSET In-service Training

KS1 Key Stage One – Years 1 & 2

KS2 Key Stage Two – Years 3,4,5 & 6

KUW Knowledge and Understanding of the World (Early Years)

LA Local Authority

LAC Looked After Child

MDSA Midday Supervisory Assistant

PCSO Police Community Support Officer

PD Physical Development (Early Years)

PP/Ever6/FSM6 Pupils entitled to pupil premium grant

PPA Planning, Preparation & Assessment

PPG Pupil Premium Grant

PPM Pupil Progress Meeting

PSED Personal Social Emotional Development ( Early Years)

PSHE Personal Social Health Education

RE Religious Education

SALT Speech and Language Therapist

SATs Statutory Assessment Tests

SEF Self Evaluation Form

SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability

SENCo Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

SFVS School Financial Value Standard

SDP School Development Plan

SLT Senior Leadership Team

SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

SPG Sport Premium Grant

TA Teaching Assistant

TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibility

TRG Teaching Research Group (linked to the Math Hub)

UW Understanding of the World (Early Years)

VA Value Added

Assessment Acronyms

WTS Working Towards the expected standards

EXS Working at the Expected Standard

GDS Working at Greater Depth within the expected standard

PSC Phonics Screen Check (Year 1 pupils)

MTS Multiplication Tables Check (Year 4 pupils)

SATS Statutory Assessment Tests