
Welcome to Nursery!

Sara Crane - Head of Early Years Foundation Stage

EYFS Teaching Assistants  - Jasmin Lewis, Lisa Hall, Tina Salvage, Rachel Riches, Sarah Crisp, Juliette Scripps and Becky Hurcomb

A warm and engaging environment where children learn and grow.

In our Nursery, we believe passionately in providing high quality education in a safe, secure and healthy environment.  Our children thrive through stimulating, challenging and creative play opportunities that build their self-esteem and foster independence.   We value a child centered approach that promotes positive attitudes to learning and believe that every child  deserves the very best start in life. We have an experienced and highly skilled team who are dedicated to ensuring your child has the best possible start to their learning journey at Ringmer. Our children settle quickly, build strong relationships with their 'key adults' and show high levels of engagement and independence. We cater for each unique child by working closely with our families and using the child's interests as the vehicle for learning. Learning is playful, stimulating and memorable!   

Our EYFS setting is known as 'The Ringmer Reef' and provision caters for the stage of each child's development. Our pre-school age children who are developmentally ready access the majority of their provision in the reception environment which promotes quality interactions with children close to their own age as well as ensuring a successful and smooth start to their reception year. 

Please click here for our Nursery Admissions, Fees and Attendance Policy as well as all information on Fees and Funding.

                                                 Rainbow Fish                                                                                  Puffer Fish

                                                2 to 3 year olds                                                                                Rising 5's (Pre-school year) 

Sharing our love of stories

Exploring using our senses

Climbing in the woodland taking-risks

Want to join our Nursery?

Email to schedule a tour of the setting.

Term 5 -What comes around goes around?

This terms inquiry question is fueled by the children's interest in wheels and circles! We will begin by learning about bicycles and will use the text 'Mrs Armitage on wheels'. The children will join in retelling the story and will plan the next adventure for Mrs Armitage!  Our nursery garden is in the process of having a make over with the installation of a vehicle track.  The children are very excited to watch this take shape and to explore using it!  We will join in with traditional country dancing, learning to gallop and skip in a circle. We are looking forward to performing our country dancing as part of the EYFS May Day celebrations on Friday 3rd May at 2pm. Please come along to watch our dancing!  We will end the term by learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and will use the text 'The very hungry caterpillar' as a focus for our reading and mark making.  Look out for the Hungry Caterpillar Cafe coming soon in nursery! 

Term 4 - How can impact be measured?

We will be exploring this terms inquiry question through exploring how we change as we grow. The children will use their lived experiences to describe how they have changed from being a baby to a child. They will learn about the positive impact we can on our bodies by making healthy choices. We will have a focus on oral hygiene and a visit from a dental nurse to teach us about the importance of looking after our teeth. We will even have our very own 'Ringmer Dental Surgery' role play area.  The children will learn about how to care for plants and the impact that water and sunlight has on helping a plant grow. We will be planting seeds and thinking about the conditions needed for it to grow into a healthy plant. The children will look out for seasonal changes and signs of Spring! We will celebrate world book day, embracing the theme of 'bedtime stories' coming into nursery in our PJ's and the children will have stories read to them by the older children in the school. 

Term 4  Photo Gallery 

Term 3 - Does where you are determine who you are?

We will be exploring this terms inquiry question through the children's interest in Winter and birds. We will look out for seasonal changes and will learn how to keep ourselves safe and warm when it is cold. The cold weather will not deter us from continuing to explore our outside environment during the winter months and we will care for the birds in our woodland area by making birdfeeders. We will also compare where we live with a continent that is very different - Antarctica. We will learn about Emperor penguins and how they have adapted to live in the coldest place on earth! Our key text this term is Lost and Found and we will use this to discuss our inquiry question. Can the boy and penguin be friends when they come from very different places? We will make links with our own personal experiences of being friends with people who live somewhere different to us and how we keep in touch with family and friends who live far away. We will also learn about Lunar New Year and the cultures that celebrate it making links with other festivals and traditions we have already learnt about. We will take part in a Lunar New Year Dance workshop and learn a dragon dance!

Term 3  Photo Gallery 

Term 2  - To Improve is to change?

We will be exploring our inquiry question through a range of celebrations which the children, our families and wider community have interest in;

We will use a range of key texts and poetry to support our learning. We will discuss and share our own experiences of these celebrations and recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate in different ways.

Our school value focus this term is respect and compassion and we will become 'Listening Lions' and 'Sharing sharks' as well as 'Team Ant' helping to reset our environment at tidy up time by working together! We will be encouraging the children to demonstrate good listening when learning and playing with other children and adults, continuing to build relationships. We will think carefully about sharing the resources in school and how to resolve problems that arise in our environment.

We also have some exciting visits within our local community this term. Our Pufferfish children will be visiting Ringmer Library and all of our nursery children will end the term with a visit to meet someone special at Parris Lawn Care Home - Ho, ho, ho! Can you guess who it might be?! 

Term 2  Photo Gallery 

Term 1  - What is our journey?

Our learning journey this term begins by focusing on the children's journey from home to nursery and their sense of belonging to our school and village community. The key text 'We are all neighbours' mirrors our inclusive approach and celebration of difference.  This term we are using the children's interest in vehicles to explore different types of transport that can be used for a journey. We are using the key texts 'The Naughty bus' and 'The Train'. The children will bring the stories to life through role play and will retell them using learnt story vocabulary as well as their own words.  They will use mark making and emergent drawing skills to retell and create their own stories using the stimulus of buses and trains.  We will also be noticing seasonal changes and making seasonal recipes, apple crumble and pumpkin soup - Yummy! 

Term 1  Photo Gallery 

Termly Nursery Newsletters

Nursery Newsletter 28.03.24.pdf
Nursery Newsletter 15.12.23 (1).pdf
Nursery Newsletter 20.10.23.pdf

Nursery Recommended Reading List

Nursery Recommended Reading List .pdf

Speech and language support - how can you help your child?

Communication is a key building block for all children to thrive in every aspect of their life.  Your support at home with this is not only much appreciated, but also an essential element of their development.  For tips and ideas about how you can do this, have a look at the Speech and Language Link parent Portal:

Look at me go!

We have matching coats.

Water play!

Transition into nursery

Above all, we want children to feel safe and happy at nursery. We also want parents to feel welcome and involved from the beginning. We believe that children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious, so we always do our best to ensure the settling in period goes smoothly. Our settling in procedures have been devised to help parents and children feel calm, comfortable and reassured.

After you complete your application for a place at Nursery we will get in contact confirming your hours. Before your first full session we will organise a home visit so we can learn all about your child! We will then invite you and your child to come into nursery for a 'stay and play'. This will give you all an opportunity to meet their key adults and some of their new friends. They get to explore both the inside and outside environment. Following the first 'stay and play' session we will then decide collaboratively how we will start their first session as either a half day or a full day depending on how confident they are feeling at their new setting. During this process we will follow your child's lead to ensure a smooth transition into Ringmer Nursery. If your child attends another nursery setting or child minder we will communicate and collaborate with them to ensure a consistent approach meets the needs of the child.