Year 5 Homework

Spelling and Maths homework will be set each week. It will be set on a Friday and due in on a Thursday.

  • Spelling

The spelling task will be to learn five words each week from the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum word bank. There is a spelling menu to help support the learning of these spellings. The children will work on them in school as well and we will check their learning through dictated sentence work each week.

  • Maths

Maths will be set via My Maths.

  • Reading

Reading will also be part of the homework and the children have a reading journal. This journal needs to come to school every day. The children will be expected to record in it at least once a week at home. Teachers will check the diaries on a regular basis.

Year 5 homework until the end of term.docx
Maths home work 21st june.docx
Helping your child with reading.pdf